A Soldiers Tale, Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Iraqi War
This project was created to fulfill a need historically and educationally. Much of the history we are taught in the classroom does not include historical events within most recent time lines. As a student I have found that many of the history course I have taken do not go beyond the 1970's. This has become problematic for me, because of the simple fact that students are not aware of the current history they are partaking in. I started my quest by pondering, What do students and or myself for that matter know about the Iraqi war and how much of what people know is speculation.
My site will be composed of various pages which will help to answer some of the questions that I have posed to specific audiences. With the help of Matt Davis, I was able to compile a cohesive montage of interviews and photographs. Much of this site was researched using film, documents, video footage and personal interviews.